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Halfway There

Holy moly I am 20 weeks today!! Can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going. When I was pregnant with Bennan it felt like the longest 41 weeks of my life!! Yeah.. the extra week didn’t help. Things sure are different when you have a toddler to chase around and keep you busy.

This coming Friday we will have our big 20 week ultrasound. I am so excited to see her on the big screen! Bennan gets to join us to see his sister for the first time. Wish us luck!! As most of you know this is a big important ultrasound to make sure she is measuring well and her organs are working properly. I am praying for the best results.

I am so thankful to be feeling better, no more morning sickness and my energy levels are getting a lot better. Last week I felt our baby girl moving for the first time and let me tell you, that is one of the most exciting moments ever! She is quite an active little gal. So fun! I don’t have any super weird cravings still, but I am always up for a hamburger or fruit. Heartburn has set in a lot sooner this time which is so much fun...not! but it is tolerable for now.

I justed wanted to give a quick update on our progress. I’ll share the newest ultrasound photo once we have our appointment on Friday.

Thanks for all the love and support!



He was NOT up for photos tonight... too focused on going to dinner.

Romper- TJ Maxx (this spring)

Kimono- Last year random find

Tan Salt Water Sandals- Bayabelle Boutique

Portland Hat- Bayabelle Boutique (in store)

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